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Oral Care

How to Ease Toothache Pain in Children
added on: February 7, 2019
child holding drink

Can you believe that there’s actually a day dedicated to toothaches? It’s true! February 9th is recognized as National Toothache Day, and in honor of this ‘holiday,’ the team at our pediatric dental office in Long Island is here to celebrate by giving you advice on how to ease toothache… Read More…

Vitamins Your Child Needs for Good Oral Health
added on: January 9, 2019
hand holding vitamins

Making sure your child gets enough of the right vitamins and minerals is an important part of helping them grow up big and strong. Their oral health is no different. Kids need to get the recommended amount of a variety of vitamins (and minerals!) in order to develop strong teeth… Read More…

Can Kids Get Canker Sores?
added on: December 11, 2018
toddler brushing teeth

There are an estimated 3 million canker sore cases a year. But knowing that these annoying and painful sores affect nearly everyone doesn’t necessarily make them easy to tolerate when they happen to your child. At our pediatric dental office in Long Island, we understand that canker sores are uncomfortable… Read More…

How to Help a Teething Baby
added on: November 26, 2018
baby outside sitting in leaves

Teething is perhaps one of the most difficult times for new parents. Babies get fussy and restless, and you may feel totally helpless. But at our pediatric dental office in Long Island, we have some tips you can use to relieve discomfort and pain associated with teething. Apply Pressure There’s… Read More…

GERD & Dental Problems
added on: November 8, 2018
teen girl with braces

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as its more common and easier to pronounce acronym GERD, is an uncomfortable problem associated with digestion. But while the issue originates in the gut it can have a negative on oral health, especially in kids. If your child suffers from GERD, our Long Island… Read More…

What’s Worse for Teeth Than Candy?
added on: October 10, 2018
candy apples

Another candy-packed holiday is right around the corner, and our pediatric dental office in Long Island is busy getting into the spirit of Halloween. From pumpkins and fall colors, to costumes and hayrides, there’s a lot to be excited about this time of year. But as we all know, candy… Read More…

The Importance of Sports Mouthguards
added on: September 21, 2018
boy with mouthguard

As the fall sports season gets underway, it’s a fitting time to talk about the importance of sports mouthguards. An estimated one-third of all dental injuries are sports-related. Our pediatric dental office in Long Island wants the parents of our patients to know that most of these injuries can be… Read More…

Whole Grains for Wholly Healthy Smiles
added on: September 17, 2018
hand holding whole grains

September is recognized as Whole Grains Month and is a 30-day celebration for all things grainy. These whole grains are beneficial for heart health, overall health, and may even boost oral health too. At our Long Island pediatric dental office, we know that eating a well-balanced diet, including a good… Read More…

Breastfeeding & Your Baby’s Oral Health
added on: August 16, 2018
mother and father kissing their baby girl

August is National Breastfeeding Month and serves to raise awareness about the benefits of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is good for both mom and baby, produces milk that can be easier for your child to digest, and will save money. But breastfeeding is a personal choice made between moms and dads, and… Read More…

4 Reasons Why Kids’ Gums Bleed
added on: July 26, 2018
little boy sticking out his tongue

If you experience a little bleeding when brushing or flossing you may not think much of it. But when it comes to your kids it can be especially concerning. It’s important to note that bleeding is never normal, for kids or adults, and can be a sign of something serious…. Read More…

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