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Oral Care

Does Your Child Need to Brush His Tongue?
added on: November 12, 2020
girl sticking out tongue

You will hear your pediatric dentist in Long Island talk a lot about how important it is for your little one to brush and floss his teeth every day to protect them against cavities. But did you know that he should also brush his tongue, as well as his teeth?… Read More…

October is National Dental Hygiene Month
added on: October 21, 2020
Long Island Dentists - Ehrenman & Khan Pediatric Dentistry

Every October, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Colgate sponsor a month-long celebration for dental hygienists around the country. Dental hygienists are crucial members of your family’s healthcare team and are responsible for keeping patients’ mouths (and bodies) healthy. This year, the theme for National Dental Hygiene Month is Faces… Read More…

The Best and Worst Candy for Your Kid’s Teeth
added on: October 12, 2020
Halloween candy

It’s that time again when our grocery aisles are taken over by ghoulish and ghostly goodies. From mini candy bars to oh-so-good sugary treats, the zombie and skeleton wrapping can only mean one thing — Halloween season is here. This also means another holiday that floods kids with candy is… Read More…

Does Breastfeeding Affect Teeth? 
added on: September 24, 2020
Long Island Dentists - Ehrenman & Khan Pediatric Dentistry

New moms have a decision to make very early into motherhood — to breastfeed or not to breastfeed. This is a very personal decision, and maybe you’ve already begun weighing the pros and cons of breastfeeding. Even though breastfeeding is good for both mom and baby, it may not be… Read More…

Dental Care for Infants & Toddlers
added on: August 25, 2020
Long Island Dentists - Ehrenman & Khan Pediatric Dentistry

Your pediatric dentist in Long Island is all about caring for our community’s littlest smiles. From infants to toddlers, to adolescents and teens, we’re committed to providing dental care for each stage of your child’s growing years. But today, we want to focus on our youngest patients — infants and… Read More…

What’s the Best Milk for Teeth?
added on: August 17, 2020
Long Island Dentists - Ehrenman & Khan Pediatric Dentistry

When you’re choosing the right milk for your family, you certainly have a lot of options to pick from these days. From milk made from almonds to milk made from coconuts, and from soy milk to cow’s milk, the dairy aisle is packed with so many different varieties of milk,… Read More…

Why Are My Kid’s Teeth Discolored?
added on: July 27, 2020
girl in rainbow tutu

When we picture a healthy smile, we all tend to envision bright, white teeth. This is especially true for children, as their teeth can often appear whiter and brighter than adult teeth. So as your pediatric dentist in Long Island, we can certainly understand why it may be concerning if… Read More…

What’s Plaque and Why is it Bad?
added on: July 16, 2020
dentists cleaning plaque off tooth

You’ve probably heard your pediatric dentist in Long Island talk about plaque and why it’s important to limit plaque buildup. But what exactly is plaque? How does it build up in the first place? What happens if plaque isn’t removed? Why is plaque bad? There are so many questions surrounding… Read More…

Are Sports Drink Damaging Your Kid’s Teeth?
added on: June 22, 2020
teens drinking sports drinks

When we think of drinks that are terrible for kids’ smiles, we automatically turn to soda. While these sugary, carbonated beverages are absolutely bad for growing teeth (and adult teeth, too!), there’s another type of drink that’s just as concerning to your pediatric dentist in Long Island. Today, we’re talking… Read More…

Are Dental Sealants Necessary For Baby Teeth?
added on: June 11, 2020
toddler boy with fedora

There’s a common misconception that baby teeth aren’t that important. After all, they’re just going to fall out, so why does your pediatric dentist in Long Island put so much importance on protecting them? The truth is, while only temporary, baby teeth serve an important role in permanent teeth development,… Read More…

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