Gum disease is often considered an adult problem, but the truth is, kids, teens, and young adults are also susceptible. At our pediatric dental office in Long Island, we’re here to explain the dangers behind the disease and provide you with some key signs and symptoms to look for. What… Read More…
At our pediatric dental office in Long Island, we’re honored to take care of your child’s smile. From regular cleanings, sealants, and emergency care, we’re here to ensure a healthy, growing grin. As your child celebrates more birthdays, he will start to lose baby teeth and permanent ones will pop… Read More…
The jiggle, the wiggle, the waggle, the first loose tooth. It’s an important milestone in every kid’s life, and most of them are really excited to experience it. It’s fun to move it back and forth with the tongue, but sooner or later, it will fall out. But the fun… Read More…
In our last blog, we talked about a fun way to teach your kids how to brush. While that’s a great first step in making dental care enjoyable for little ones, everyone at our pediatric dental office in Long Island wants you to know it’s only half of a proper… Read More…
You already know that teaching proper brushing and flossing at an early age is a great way to start your child on a path to a lifetime of healthy smiles. But you may also know that it’s hard to make this process enjoyable, and may be hard to teach. At… Read More…
April is a time to celebrate a lot of things like April Fools, spring, and flowers. It’s also recognized as National Facial Protection Month. What does this have to do with the precious smiles we care for at our Long Island pediatric dental office? It’s estimated that two percent of… Read More…
Here in America, we know all about the small-winged fluttering fairy that compensates kids with a few bucks (an average of $3.70!) in exchange for a freshly lost tooth. What we don’t know is whether the Tooth Fairy is like Santa Claus and visits all children throughout the world who… Read More…
NOTE: If your child really did just have a dental emergency and this blog is your first line of defense, please make sure there is no need for immediate medical assistance. If you’re simply preparing for the “just in case” dental emergency, read on! Dental emergencies are a pain, they’re… Read More…
As your child gets too big for the bottle, you may replace it with a fun sippy cup. Sippy cups are all right for a little while, but at our pediatric dental office in Long Island, we strongly recommend transitioning to straws or “big kid cups” sooner rather than later…. Read More…
When we’re born, most of us have primary (baby) teeth that are sitting, waiting, ready to burst through our gums as we grow a bit older. While baby teeth eruption dates do vary from person to person, at our Long Island pediatric dental office, we’ve put together a guide to… Read More…