As your child enters her teen years, she may begin to consider whitening her smile using over-the-counter tooth whitening strips. But as her parent, you’re unsure if smile whitening is safe for her growing grin. Our pediatric dental office in Long Island is here to provide you some insight on… Read More…
We’ve got some fantastic news for all of our patients and parents with an active sweet tooth! It may come as a surprise, but the team at our Long Island pediatric dental office is telling everyone to go ahead and eat chocolate — for your smile’s sake! But before you… Read More…
During pregnancy, mom-to-be’s body needs adequate amounts of certain vitamins to support not only her system, but her growing baby too. Vitamin D is one of these vitamins that serves an important role. A proper intake of vitamin D helps mom’s bones stay strong, promotes healthy cell division, and supports… Read More…
Earlier this month, the American Cancer Society hosted its annual Great American Smokeout to encourage smokers to pick a day to work consistently towards quitting in order to reduce their risk of all the health complications that can result from being a smoker. But smoking doesn’t only affect the smoker…. Read More…
‘Tis the season of sniffles and coughs, body aches and congestion. It’s officially the time of year when the flu can make for a miserable few days. But it doesn’t have to take its toll on your kids or you. Our pediatric dental office in Long Island is here to… Read More…
There are many things at a dental office that may be scary for your child. Between the bright lights, the gloved hands, the masked face, not to mention someone he may not know well poking around his mouth, it’s understandable. But what can you do to help him overcome his… Read More…
October isn’t only when we celebrate Halloween, it’s also National Orthodontic Month. With this in mind, the team at our pediatric dental office in Long Island thought it’d be a great time to combine the two and talk a bit about which Halloween treats are safe for those with braces…. Read More…
No parent wants to hear that their child has a cavity in one of his baby teeth. And they may be surprised that their pediatric dentist in Long Island is recommending a filling. After all, if baby teeth are only going to fall out, is a filling really necessary? Our… Read More…
As kids grow up they start to become more independent. They need less help from mom or dad with homework, laundry, and other everyday activities. Usually they’re pretty great at taking on these responsibilities with little to no trouble or risk of consequences. But when it comes to their oral… Read More…
As we all gear up to head back to school, loading up on folders, notebooks, pencils, and backpacks, the team at our pediatric dental office in Long Island wants to send a friendly reminder to our patients and neighbors about the importance of getting your child to the dentist before… Read More…