facebook Marie - Ehrenman & Khan Pediatric Dentistry


added on: February 28, 2019

Dr. Glen saw Marie, another one of our special needs patients, for the first time in 1998, though she had been coming to the practice since 1995 to see Dr. Hirsch. She had a hard time with her routine cleanings but she became more and more relaxed as we worked with her. In 2007, she began orthodontic treatments at a local orthodontist’s office – the desensitization process worked!

“This practice was referred to us by ACDS. When Marie was three, we used to have to sit on her to hold her for even the most routine cleanings and care. It was so hard but the doctors reassured us that she would learn to trust the process before long. Dr. Hirsch said, “Give her a couple of years and she will be fine.” It was true. Now she isn’t nervous at all. She is fine with x-rays and getting her teeth cleaned. Everyone is very helpful. The doctors are great. They treat Marie like a princess! We would refer anyone to their practice.”

Marie has her own thoughts about her experiences with us as well: “I like the red bubblegum flavors and the TV games. I love to dance and I love to brush my teeth. I call Dr. Glen Your Highness. I get toys and stickers and I get one for my sister.”

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