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The Guerriero Family

added on: February 28, 2019
The Guerriero Family

The Guerriero family started coming to us in May of 2007. We initially saw Richard for trauma associated with his front incisors when he was just a little over a year. We helped him acclimate to our office at an early age and he has been a great patient ever since. He recently needed four quadrants of restorative dentistry and he was an excellent patient!

“Everything here is immaculate and everyone is so fun and friendly. All of it makes me feel at ease about putting my child in their care. I am never worried at all. It is important for me to be at their sides during dental treatment so that the doctors can explain to me everything in detail. I was nervous because Richie had cavities and a lot of them– but Richie was never nervous. He said that he actually liked having his cavities filled! He had to have a shot of Novocain and he didn’t even know it!

“Everything about this dental office is great – you can’t beat it! It is everything a parent wants. We never worry about what they are experiencing and then it is fun! I wish Dr. Glen could be my dentist!”

And Richie had his own words of praise for his doctor: “Dr. Glen is so cool! He is so cool because he is so awesome.”

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