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The Williger Family

added on: February 28, 2019
The Williger Family

The Williger family is a military family relocated from Rhode Island to East Meadow, NY. Their daughter Audrey was seen by Dr. Glen for restorations unfinished by their previous dentist in Rhode Island. During the clinical exam, extensive caries and a breakdown in previous restorations was discovered. Audrey had such a traumatic experience with their previous dentist that she needed to be sedated to complete the major work needed. Now, Audrey and her sister happily come in for their regular check-ups and cleanings with no fear. They are excited to see us!

“We were referred to Ehrenman and Khan about a year ago. Audrey had been very shy and nervous about dentists so I chose a pediatric dentist to make it easier on her. Here at Ehrenman and Khan, they are never rushed and they really take the time to make both girls feel comfortable. They actually like coming for their dental work. That’s surprising, because Audrey had to have everything in her mouth restored. Ehrenman and Khan offered her sedation because she was so nervous and needed so much work that we realized that it was just easier to have it all done it once. She actually ended up needing five root canals that day and was under for almost three hours. Audrey had no trauma – in fact, she has no memory of it.”

Even Audrey gushes about her experience here; “My dentistry took like a second! Before, when I had fillings, it really bothered my cheeks. Now it doesn’t bother my cheeks at all! I like the video games they let us play and the toys. Also, Dr. Glen talks to us. Sometimes when he brushes our teeth he lets us pick our flavor. I really like it here.”

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